In the meantime, here is a way to make Opera Mini 3.1 (version 3.1.10423) work on the phone (even WITHOUT THE KEYBOARD):
- Switch the Instinct's browser to mobile mode and go to and select the option to install older version. After a few clicks, you should be able to download and run opera mini 3.1
- The keyboard on Opera Mini doesn't work (it will work after Instinct's java update in a month or two) so you can not enter any text or web address. But if you look at the bookmarks of Opera Mini, you will notice it has a book mark to website.
- Go to ESPN website on your PC and look for the section that says "Fan Favorites" and under it, you will see most commented and click on it. Then click on the first link under it.
- Then create a Fan profile from your PC so you can post a comment.
- Once you are logged in from your PC, post a comment on that (ESPN's) site with text containing the following URL (see if you can find one already created by someone else) :
- Now get back on your Sprint Instinct phone and start Opera Mini 3 from Games and Apps.
- Go to Opera Mini's bookmarks and go to ESPN. ESPN page will load. Find the most commented section and locate your post from earlier. This will have the URL to click on. Click on this URL and the page will load. Then you book mark it by doing Add bookmark on Opera Mini.
- From now on, you can go to from your Sprint Instinct in Opera Mini 3.1.
- To add more bookmarks, get back on your PC and post a comment on this (the one you are reading from) site with the URL that you want (make sure that your URL's start with http to make them clickable in Opera mini).
- Then come back to from your phone via Opera, click on your comment URL and open that site. Now you can directly book mark that site!
- You can bookmark any site you want this way!
- Opera Mini 3.1 is an OLDER version and is not nearly as good as Opera Mini 4.1. But until that time, you can get decent browsing speed and portrait view browsing using Opera 3.1 Mini!
- DON'T Forget: In the Opera Mini 3.1, go to Menu-->Tools-->Settings and uncheck "Content Folding" for better browsing. It will be difficult to tap on tiny checkbox but you will get it after a few tries. And I like the font size of Large from the settings.
Enjoy and spread the word!
UPDATE: Since this workaround was first provided here, hundreds of people are using Opera Mini 3.1 on their Instinct and it has been covered well in most other forums. If you don't want to use the ESPN site to generate bookmarks, you can also use the Opera Mini forum to post your links (bookmarked in Opera Mini 3.1 browser as My Opera--> Forums --> Opera Mini and then you add your bookmarks from this site after you add your links from your PC to this forum)
Don't forget to bookmark this link below on your Opera Mini:
I'm surprised more people haven't tried this because it actually works! It's a slight pain trying to navigate the espn site, but worth it. Here's an added trick learned from my blackberry days. For those that use delicious for bookmarking, a mobile friendly list can be generated using the following formats:
Option 1: Bookmarks and Descriptions
Option 2: Bookmarks Only
Option 3: Bookmarks and Tags
Option 4: Increase the Bookmark Count to 100
Add a link to your delicious bookmarks here! (I'm assuming that is ok?)
Here's my link to a specific tag showing 100 links per page:
Thanks for the post! I have found this browser lighting fast compared to the OE browser the instinct has. Also, you can get to this page by viewing the Opera Mini forum and looking for the post requesting a browser for the Instinct.
Thanks Again!
Thanks for the post! Opera IS much faster than Sprint's browser! When searching Opera Mini forum for the links post there is one many pages down titled "Instinct".
i can't get 3.1 to run , it won't let me chick ok , to set it up
Can you try downloading from this link?
Doh - please delete the above post - and this one too for that matter, lol
Yo EVERYONE. Here is a link that u can use with the Opera Mini
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