Will England
"That's the official word - for real. I got it in my email at 4:30 PM; unfortunately I was playing POETS day (power off early, tomorrow's Saturday) and missed it till this morning.
Sweet! Can't wait to see what the browser fix does.
Will England
Buzz About Wireless Admin
Sprint Nextel "
Another post showed up at Sprint's developer forum late Friday evening promising what seem to be "unbelievable" improvements in Sprint Instinct's browser. It is difficult to guess if it is a genuine message from Sprint or another attempt by someone with unauthorized access.
While the post tries to look very genuine, there are some things that stand out:
- Posted late Friday evening (around the time most employees are ready to head home for the weekend)
- Use of "subject to change with no notice" instead of commonly used "subject to change without notice"
- Use of "brings an 10x improvement to rendering speed" - Generally, the companies are not so specific in any public statements to say "10x improvement" which seems somewhat on the far-fetched side considering the current browser performance.
We will have to wait until Monday to find out for sure if this is indeed a genuine message from Sprint and if so, why wasn't it posted in a more public forum at Sprint's buzzaboutwireless forum where Sprint's forum administrator had said this earlier on the same day (he did indicate some kind of update but not so specific like the developer forum post):
"Nope - especially if I post rumors, innuendo, hearsay or other non-substatiated facts. When I post something it is to the best of my knowledge complete, correct and accurate. If I hose up and get something wrong, I'll follow up with that.
I can say there is an update planned, but I don't have a list of what is in it, nor do I have the timeframe for the release. Once that is firmed up and final, it'll be out here.
Will England
Buzz About Wireless Admin
Sprint Nextel
However, there are some screen images here and here that seem real.
It this one turns out to be fake too, then I'll stop using the forum as a reference and just stick with yours!!!
And to the person who is hacking Sprint - Either quit, or get into my account details and terminate my accounts for me!
This whole Instinct was a bad idea, this phone is the cause of a lot of grief.
If this updates fixes the browser as described in the post, then I will be a happy man. I'll be a lot happier when they fix the Java Keyboard and the general stability of the phone.
Don't let Sprint fool you. I'm not trying to be pessimistic or anything, but I think that THEY think just because they're giving us an update means they can stall with everything else.
I just found out from browsing Gizmodo that the Instinct website (which I haven't been on) actually has videos stating why the Instinct is BETTER than the iPhone - OH MY FREAKING GOD if I could I would pull the plug on Sprint and Samsung. Better than the iPhone, really? Where are our apps? Where are our fixes? Where's all this stuff you advertised like customization? Sprint and Samsung is full of crap. And I hope the person/people who thought of marketing the Instinct as an iPhone competitor gets fired (and then some.)
I would love to take part in the flogging of the guy who came up with the phrase 'iphone killer' ...def no iphone killer in my pocket, but it is a great conversation piece - just before I get slammed by an iphone owner.
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