Thursday, September 25, 2008

Information on next Sprint Instinct update - Release MR4

Here is some information on the next software update for Sprint Instinct according to Sprint Administrator. Looks like Sprint is now on a roll (MR3 was just released yesterday)!

"MR-4 Information [ NEW ]

We anticipate an official Public Release Notes announcement of MR4 when that firmware enters certification test on 10/13 (all dates are estimates and are subject to change with no notice). Unofficially, firmware MR4 will include:

* Java refit to better enable 4-way/OK and text input to LCDUI widget-based applications
* Work Calendar support through an enhanced Sprint Mobile Email Work revision
* support for native document viewing for many popular office document types including .doc, .pdf, .ppt and others
* resolution to roughly 50 additional open tickets "

This might be the best update for the Instinct phone!


It seems that the Work Calendar support has now been removed from the message post in the baw forum.


Dennis said...

Wait, everyone on the forum is going crazy celebrating but isn't this old news? The LCDUI update goes to certification 10/13, then a few weeks of testing. Not that big of an update.

Unknown said...

I think that this is great news! I know that this release has been promised, but now we have a firmer date than possible next year. I like the possibility of calendar integration and doc viewing. Can we please hav WAV support too?

Sent from my Instinct.

Anonymous said...

If only Bell and Telus would open up there eyes and do the same! We don't even get the most basic upgrade never mind the LCDUI fix.

Anonymous said...

more info posted by nathan on the dev board today:;jsessionid=abcoe-g8jq8gQ51a3x1Yr?forumId=378&searchBy2=MSG_PARENT_ID&searchValue2=-1&searchBy3=MSGFORUM_FORUMID&searchValue3=378&ps=10&pn=1&threadid=26323&sortDirection=0&sortCol=MSG_AUDIT_CREATE_DT

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