Sunday, September 28, 2008

Skyfire browser (beta 0.8) available now - for Windows Mobile & Nokia N or E series

(Image Source:

According to this and this, the beta version of Skyfire mobile browser is now available for download (after you register). The previous beta was limited to a few early signups so go get yours now.

Download Skyfire 0.8 Beta here. This browser has full HTML rendering, support for plug-ins like Flash, QuickTime, and Windows Media, and Web 2.0 applications!

For full list of features, check this out. Keep in mind that it works similar to Opera Mini (uses a backend server to do the heavy lifting) but is better than Opera Mini. So I personally wouldn't use it for banking sites because your information would pass through the skyfire servers.


- Windows Mobile (5 or 6), or
- a Nokia N or E series (3rd edition) phone

I think that Microsoft should buy this company soon.


Anonymous said...

Just thought i would let you know that VGA phones are not supported, this will not work on the HTC Diamond.

Me said...

Oh, that sucks. I will update the post regarding the touch diamond.

Anonymous said...

surport only in the US? too bad

Unknown said...

I was a part of the beta befor it went public and I LOVE it, Its awesome, Im glad I got rid of my instinct just for the chance to have this browser. If you have a windows mobile phone that isn't VGA (although skyfire is working on this according to the forum) I STRONGLY suggest you go get it.

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