According to this post in Sprint Developer forum:
Rank :User
Overall Rating:9
Subject:LCDUI Update
Date:2008-08-20 at 03:26 PM CDT
Want to give an update on getting LCDUI support in the Samsung Instinct handset. We will have an Update END OF DAY SEPTEMBER FIRST! :)
Sprint ADP Team"
This seems to have been updated recently as the same post had a different message earlier. I am not sure if they have an update on the status or an actual update of the Java software implementation. Maybe this petition thread made them work extra hard in the past few days!
UPDATE: Apparently this was the work of a non-Sprint/unauthorized user who might have gained access to a Sprint developer's account.
Any ideas what that means? Update, as in fix coming today? or update as in progress update coming today? Good god, Sprint. Ever consider going in to politics?
As always, a lot of people are going to get overexcited about this....I'll WAIT and SEE and be patient until it actually happens. And I'll be glad when it finally does.
I'll give u a hint - not happening today :)
Um. So.. yeah.. if this thing doesn't happen today, I'm going to hate Sprint and Samsung even more. And I'm not even sure if I can hate them any more than I do now!
It's already 9:30 by the way. PM, PST.
Wow. 12 o'clock midnight. This is just one disappointment after another. Thanks. Thanks Sprint. Thanks Samsung. I will never EVER buy any of your products EVER again. I hope you lose all your customers and get bankrupt.
Wow... What a cruel tease on their part. Not cool.
That wasn't a tease. That was a confirmation. That idiot Nathan gave an exact date and time frame. And where is it? Well, it's 2.03 AM PST here. Oh, and September 2. Thanks Sprint.
Too bad it was not TRUE. Hope Sprint steps up to the plate today with some REAL News. If Sprint today says nothing we will all know they simply do not care. I was to understand the Java Fix it involved Samsung also.
I'm starting to think that this was a hoax - that someone got into the forum and changed the initial entry.
Looks like the post, the whole thread in fact, has been pulled down from the site now.
Thats a shame, I traded my instinct for a HTC touch on Craigslist. I am much happier now.
The whole thread has gone, but this was there:
Rank :User
Overall Rating:-1 Subject:
re: lcdui update thread vanishes...
2008-09-02 at 12:29 PM CDT
As you suspected, we had a pretend Nathan Smith join the forums over the weekend. The real Nathan Smith is in the process of pulling together a real update which he will post later in the day.
Draw your own conclusions from this...!
Bullf*ckingsh*t. Sprint, you suck ass.
Latest News:
Want to give an official update on LCDUI
1: There was an email posting claiming to have a fix by Sep 1, which is incorrect. We apologize for any confusion this has caused (and the reason why we removed that thread)
2: We are working with Samsung for a solution to enable LCDUI. Our timelines to deliver the solution are based on two criteria:
A: having to minimalize the size of the software updates we can do, as they are being done over the air
B: as the existing VM does not support touch mappings for LCDUI, how to come up with a solution to support LCDUI
We provide these forums as an avenue for developers and users to provide constructive dialogue and feedback.
We will continue to provide updates (including timeframes and scope of functionality being supported) as we have more information to pass along.
Sprint ADP
Want to give an official update on LCDUI
1: Again sprint, when can we really expect an update?
The Users(all 2 million of us)
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