Thursday, October 23, 2008

HDN - the alternative to iPhone app store

HDN, the Hands-On Mobile Developer Network attempts to bring the iPhone like app store for the rest of the phones. The problem with carrier managed stores is that they are not open and flexible at all and sometimes a pain to use.

According to HDN's website:

"HDN, the Hands-On Mobile Developer Network, is an open network that brings mobile development and monetization opportunities to the mass market. HDN enables anyone to rapidly develop and publish applications spanning from simple RSS feeds to complex, rich media applications that work across carriers and across handsets.
HDN simplifies the challenges encountered in the mobile development ecosystem today. Issues like porting and device coverage, application testing and certification are all handled by the HDN platform. Thus, developers can focus on creating the content based on a standard web development model and have it deployed on hundreds of handsets across all major carriers."

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