However a small number of users used that option indiscriminately to download tens of gigabytes of data. This could have possibly resulted in the occasional users getting punished because the Sprint Instinct phone in its current firmware incarnation doesn't work as a modem over USB or Bluetooth. If you test it, it does appear to connect momentarily but disconnects immediately with a warning message that disappears so fast that you would need a high-speed camera to capture it.
So the million dollar question asked hundreds of times in the user forums is:
Question: Does Sprint Instinct works as Phone As a Modem (PAM)?
Answer: It varies. Some users have reported success because they had a phone as a modem plan with their previous phone and when they switched to Instinct, somehow, that option survived even with the new plan! Then there are a select few that took the risk of damaging their phone and went through the complex and technical process of enabling it on their Sprint Instinct phones. Some have reported success (do a search or see here). Their success implies that the phone is capable of being used as a modem but if Sprint catches you, you might end up paying a penalty.
But here is even better confirmation. The specifications of the phone clearly state this:
Phone as Modem (PAM): Yes
Sprint PAM AT Commands (v1.0) v1.0
Source: General Information section of
But apparently this feature is disabled in the current software intentionally (maybe they were too worried about heavy traffic on the network?) or unintentionally (maybe they didn't have enough time before the rushed release to enable it?).
Some users have reported that in the future, Sprint might offer this option on top of their talk/data/share or simply everything plan at a price of $15 per month. But this is no confirmation. I think Sprint might even be able to snatch customers from Verizon and AT&T if they offered PAM option on all plans over $99 per month with a download limit of 5GB per month including the phone data and web usage. But this is unlikely based on current trend in their pricing.
So if PAM option is a must for you, stick with your older phones and cheaper plans such as SERO or vision data plans until Sprint announces otherwise.
Here is a screen print from Sprint's Developer website confirming that Sprint Instinct is capable of being used as a modem:
You can enable this(on the simply unlimited plan) You need your MSL code from sprint for your PHONE(6 digits)
Type(into your dial pad): ##debugmenu#
go to NAI(Modem) set to OFF. and bingo your on. Not sure about additional charges but in a pitch the speeds are blazing fast and it gets the job done.
I have figured out to remove the sd card and with phone off plug in the usb and tun on loads the sprint modem driver. Then it dials normally but when using #777 it does not connect. I leave all username and passwords blank. I too use it while over the road.
oh I forgot when turning on the NAi this allows the servers to identifiy your account features. It then sets the clock for usage. In the A900 tunring off the NAI and if I forget te other but it is your username id it fools the server into not knowing how to proceed fro charge it simply grants you open port. No Cost. try not disabling this and get a heafty bill for usage. The unlimited data plan bylaws are up ofr FCC rullings soon as a layer gets pissed off. I know the spanked Comcast and Sprint is next with the unlimited everything plan. I have purchased the family shared plan and have sent to my attorney for review becasue I need resolve. Hope they spank em good
Thanks for the tip!
BTW, the MSL is the "Secondary 6-digit code: " when you first activated your phone.
Dial out with no name and password to #777.
bingo, 256k speed!
BTW, you do not even need to remove the SD card. You go into dialer and key in ##USB# or ##872# and you will get a message saying "Default USB to MDM". Then hit the back key to back out to the dialer again. If you want memory card access dial the number again and you will have another message saying "Default USB to MSC"
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