Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sprint employees contact Mac-centric site about Java developer's contest


"Sprint has launched first ever application developer contest, the Instinct Java Developer Contest, which is focused on the recently announced, new Samsung Instinct. This news has largely been ignored by fellow Apple-centric web sites. Several Sprint/Nextel employees contacted us and asked us could we go ahead and publish this news. Absolutely! That’s the whole point of Palluxo!’s news tip submitions."

"...To create your MIDlets to run on Sprint mobile devices, you must first write the application code, set the appropriate permissions required by any limited capabilities used by the application, compile it with an appropriate compiler, e.g. free Sprint NetBeans plug-in, Sprint WTK, etc., and finally upload/install OTA. Sprint offers a free plug-in for the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that provides specific functionality for mobile development. However, for those who would rather use a text editor, Sprint offers freely the Sprint Wireless Toolkit (WTK), which has tools for compiling and changing program settings as well as emulators for testing over dozens of Sprint devices supporting Java development.
Devices with restricted APIs have a developer mode and production mode. The latter is always active while the former must be explicitly activated, a.k.a. activating developer test/root certificate"

Good to see Sprint employees making an effort to make this more known. Now Sprint needs a TV commercial highlighting the contest! This will mean more developers and more buyers (hey, I would buy a phone if I knew it was well marketed to the developers!)

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