Hello Friends,
I have received a note from Bill Scott of GetJar website http://www.getjar.com (it has a collection of Java applications for various phones). With the popularity of Sprint Instinct, we should see many compatible applications on the Getjar website in the future.
Here is Bill's note in response to one of my previous posts:
Hi, this is great news. At the risk of sounding like a plug for GetJar, I'm adding some info here that might be useful for Sprint users who are interested in getting involved in mobile apps in a deeper way.
We at GetJar are looking forward to supporting more US mobile phones, and Sprint in particular. Until recently, US operators have taken a dim view of free applications, but recently downloads from GetJar from phones in the US are growing a lot.
We've always been big in Java, have started supporting Flash Lite, Blackberry, Windows mobile, palm, and Symbian, and will support Android soon. The only major OS's that we don't support are BREW and iPhone (need a bit of a revolution here for something to happen...).
One thing that Sprint users should know, is that if they develop a Java app, they can upload it to GetJar for free, and then use GetJar to distribute the app to all of their friends on Sprint for free.
Also, we're happy to have Sprint users participate in the GetJar Beta Testing community, that tests new apps before they go public. Anyone can sign up on the Beta Testing link on the GetJar site.
If you have any other comments or suggestions, please post on your own blog. If you want more info, we have recently launched the GetJar Forum, that can be accessed via the GetJar home page.
Bill Scott
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