According to the latest post made in Sprint developer's forum, Sprint plans on implementing the MIDP 2.0 standards compliant UI (things like Text Entry via keyboard).
This is a great news for all Sprint Instinct users. If they can accomplish this, we will be able to use a large number of freely available Java mobile applications (such as the ones from on the Instinct phone!
Here is the copy and paste of response from Sprint's developer forum:
Subject:re: MIDP UI support on Instinct
Date:2008-07-08 at 11:20 AM CDT
Want to update a posting we made yesterday - there ARE plans to provide a JVM that will support LCDUI so most of the MIDP 2.0 apps (opera mini, google maps, etc) will port to run on the instinct.
The plans are to make this an OTA upgrade (so users don't have to go to the store for a software reflash) - Timelines are TBD based on when we can get this implemented, certified and ready to deploy (our hope is within a month - but trust us, we understand the urgency and appreciate all the feedback/posts) Please join us for our webcast tomorrow at 12:00 AM noon on wednesday.
thanks Sprint ADP "
Hopefully this will bring even more users to Sprint Instinct phone and the larger the user community, the more third-party applications we will see on the phone!
I would like to thank everyone that read this blog and communicated our request to Sprint in their developer forum.
Sprint team even mentioned Opera Mini and Google maps (also mentioned in this post in their response!
Sprint Developer Forum Link:
Hi, this is great news. At the risk of sounding like a plug for GetJar, I'm adding some info here that might be useful for Sprint users who are interested in getting involved in mobile apps in a deeper way.
We at GetJar are looking forward to supporting more US mobile phones, and Sprint in particular. Until recently, US operators have taken a dim view of free applications, but recently downloads from GetJar from phones in the US are growing a lot.
We've always been big in Java, have started supporting Flash Lite, Blackberry, Windows mobile, palm, and Symbian, and will support Android soon. The only major OS's that we don't support are BREW and iPhone (need a bit of a revolution here for something to happen...).
One thing that Sprint users should know, is that if they develop a Java app, they can upload it to GetJar for free, and then use GetJar to distribute the app to all of their friends on Sprint for free.
Also, we're happy to have Sprint users participate in the GetJar Beta Testing community, that tests new apps before they go public. Anyone can sign up on the Beta Testing link on the GetJar site.
If you have any other comments or suggestions, please post on your own blog. If you want more info, we have recently launched the GetJar Forum, that can be accessed via the GetJar home page.
Bill Scott
Thanks Bill. I will post your comment as a separate post for the visitors of this blog to see so that they can benefit from the free Java apps available on your website.
I was very interested in the instinct until I have read about this web browser.
My current sanyo has the wap browser, which at least lets me stayed signed in when I exit the browser or when it signs out due to inactivity.
Opera mini - I hate have to sign in everytime - but at least it works, -and the pages display good. So I'm not happy about signing in all the time.
I'm also dissappointed that I don't get auto refresh on the pages. I have to do it everytime.
I figured instinct would at least support some java, if not, some version of opera..
I guess I'll have to wait until people start saying how the 'update' fixes everything.
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