"The launch of Apple Inc.'s much-anticipated new iPhone turned into an information-technology meltdown on Friday, as customers were unable to get their phones working."
"It's such grief and aggravation," said Frederick Smalls, an insurance broker in Whitman, Massachusetts, after spending two hours on the phone with Apple and AT&T Inc., trying to get his new iPhone to work.
In stores, people waited at counters to get the phones activated, as lines built behind them. "
"However, the iTunes servers were equally hard to reach from home, leaving the phones unusable except for emergency calls."
"The problem extended to owners of the previous iPhone model. A software update released for that phone on Friday morning required the phone to be reactivated through iTunes.
"It's a mess," said freelance photographer Giovanni Cipriano, who updated his first-generation iPhone only to find it unusable."
What I am reading here is that iPhones were rendered unusable for some time. That's some serious stuff. This shows that even Apple/AT&T can't always have a perfect launch. Sprint Instinct launch was much smoother.
After seeing the problems with iPhone 3G launch, Sprint needs to make sure that its servers can handle the OTA (over the air) update load from all the Instinct users because most of them are likely to update their phones as soon as the update is available!
Can iPhone users get calls while they're streaming media online? Because I can't with my Instinct. How about not just reporting the "good" and reporting the flaws as well?
This is an open blog. And yes, a number of Instinct problems are reported as well! You are welcome to post your opinions without any censorship!
Switched from AT&T after 9 years (had the Tilt) to save money. I am so unhappy with the LIMITATIONS of the Instinct that I'm considering paying the penalty and going back to AT&T because of poor sound quality / dropped calls. I'm unsure if it's the phone or Sprint.
Phone issues:
1. Name search is non-existent. 600+ contacts means scrolling forever to find a contact.
2. Can't leave the Call screen to see other areas of the phone when I'm on a call.
3. Laggy times (frequent cr_ppy transition between functions/screens).
4. The inter is NOT LIGHTNING FaST. Is it the phone or the connection?
There are other issues... but I don't want to comme off as a whiner. I just miss AT&T. :(
Switched from AT&T after 9 years (had the Tilt) to save money. I am so unhappy with the LIMITATIONS of the Instinct that I'm considering paying the penalty and going back to AT&T because of poor sound quality / dropped calls. I'm unsure if it's the phone or Sprint.
Phone issues:
1. Name search is non-existent. 600+ contacts means scrolling forever to find a contact.
2. Can't leave the Call screen to see other areas of the phone when I'm on a call.
3. Laggy times (frequent cr_ppy transition between functions/screens).
4. The inter is NOT LIGHTNING FaST. Is it the phone or the connection?
There are other issues... but I don't want to comme off as a whiner. I just miss AT&T. :(
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