Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Samsung takes Instinct users to virtual tour of ballparks


"Samsung, in an effort to interest the male, 18-34 demographic in its new Instinct handset device, has partnered with to create a three-part series providing virtual tours of three Major League Baseball stadiums.
The "Ballpark Invasion," as the series is known, is available exclusively on the handset, which displays video footage of Boston's Fenway Park, Chicago's Wrigley field and San Francisco's AT&T Park.

The campaign will run for the next three weeks, and additional installments are a possibility."

UPDATE: This might be one of those videos (video segment at 01:32 and 02:25 recorded on Instinct's camera:

Ballpark Invasion Ep. 1: San Francisco - Watch more free videos


Unknown said...

I've looked on my phone and do not see this particular "feature" yet. Does anyone know how/when the will occur?

Me said...

I am not sure when this will be available on Instinct. But I have included what seems to be one of the videos from the series in the updated post.

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