Thursday, July 31, 2008

Touchable TV on Canadian version of Samsung Instinct?

Check out this site about Canadian version of Samsung Instinct:

Its camera software has 4x digital zoom (which I don't really care about because it is still 2 megapixel).

(and don't forget to tell your friends about Instinct Bookmarks, the best Instinct information site!)


Roadtrekkin RV Adventures said...

Canadian version looks better. I notice that the main screen looks like the initial screen (as it is on the left) and not 'Favs' like the US version. Also a button for video. Maybe a future patch will allow us to alter ours!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I think that's what's going to happen. I say that because it seems logical that all phones should have similar programming, but I really would rather see other updates (like customization) than just bring our phones up to date with the canadian one.

Roadtrekkin RV Adventures said...

Well, I guess each provider has to tailor the phone to whatever services it offers too, but I agree that I'd like to see customization rather than just a change.

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