Some users are reporting that they received additional updates (in addition to SprintTV and Email) for Voicemail and Pocket Express (news, weather, etc.) applications.
My Pocket Express is still at 1.0.8 but some got upgraded to 1.1.5. My Voicemail is still at VN. but some got upgraded to VN.
It seems that Sprint must be doing staggered updates to prevent server overload that recently plagued Apple servers with iPhone/iPod Touch app update.
Voice mail only updated when I went into the settings menu and tried to edit the settings. It didn't try to update on regular use.
go Main/Settings/General Settings/voicemail settings...
I didn't get any updates even when I went to General Settings/Voicemail. Weird. And what's that Pocket Express thing? Is that related to some sort of APP? My Email and TV updated (and maybe my Radio too? I forgot) but that's all.
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