Thursday, August 14, 2008

Details of latest Sprint Instinct Updates

Here is the summary of latest Sprint Instinct updates according to baw forum post:

As you have noticed, the application updates for the Instinct were turned on recently. We are pushing updates to improve your experience with Picture Mail, the web browser, Sprint TV and Radio, Sprint Navigation, Sprint Email, Sprint Music Store, Visual Voicemail and Mobile Sync.

Not all apps are updating at the same time – but we have released the ‘go’ signal to the vendors. As you run each app, you will be prompted to upgrade – all the upgrades will be over the air. We’ll keep you posted as new information comes out about this and future updates to your Instinct phone.

---- Update Aug 14 - what's changing:

Picture Mail

• Reduce system busy errors for large picturemails
• Reduction of "408" timeout errors when sending large picturemails

• Optimized vending machine shopping experience
• More robust and user friendly access to Yahoo, Hotmail, Best Buy, YouTube
• Remove feature that sent browser back one page with camera button

Sprint TV/Radio
• Optimizations to resolutions for streaming video playback
• Reductions of pausing. freezing and "flashing" during streaming video playback
• Greatly increased start up and channel change speed

Sprint Navigation

• Session will no longer run in background, preserving battery life

Sprint E-Mail
• Ability to save email address from favorites menu

Sprint Music Store
• Eliminates skips when listening via Bluetooth headset
• Eliminates periodic timeouts for Websync of music
• Eliminates changing of tracks when turning on screen from sleep mode
• Eliminates periodic failure of skip button
• Eliminates play/pause stopping after 30 - 35 minutes of music play

Push Info Services/Pocket Express
• Increased ability to play video clips
• Content for movie listing displays correctly
• Eliminates periodic error for movie details/review

Visual Voicemail/Mobil Sync
• Handle and present voicemail notification when out of data service
• Eliminates "choppy" playback when dragging progress bar
• Contact picture/image now shown correctly in playback form

Please keep in mind that these applications are updated by the vendor, and the vendors set their own schedules. For example, they may turn it on for one hour per day, updating 1/24th of the handsets in service per day. You will be automatically notified of the update when you launch the application.

Message Edited by InstinctAdmin on 08-14-2008 03:55 PM

So there you have it. I haven't received any updates yet other than Email and SprintTV. This is how it is supposed to work according to InstinctAdmin Sprint Administrator:

"Handmark, the vendor for Weather, News, Sports and Movies on your Instinct, released this information today:

[Handmark is] planning to rollout the upgrades of the Express Instinct services in phases. We can control the % of users getting an upgrade notification by the length of time the upgrade notification is ‘on’ in our server. So, we will turn it on for one hour today (which should equate to 1/24th of the active user base). We will monitor to ensure there are not customer care issues raised for the next few days. If all goes well, as we expect it will, we will turn it on for 2 hours next Monday (1/12th). Assuming all is still OK we will turn it on for 4 hours (1/6th) next Wednesday. If all continues to go well we will turn it on and leave it on the following Monday.If you hear of any care incidents related to upgrades during this timeframe, please let us know.

If you have any problems with the Handmark apps - please post a note or send an email to Customer Care from your Sprint account. "

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