Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another great GPS Maps app that you can't use on Sprint Instinct due to Java keyboard issue

Here is another good GPS/Maps application that can't be used on Instinct because of missing Java keyboard. It is called Mobile GMaps. You can view more details here:


Anonymous said...

Awesome. HTC Touch Pro here I come. Anybody know if the Blackberry Bold will eventually be released for Sprint?

Roadtrekkin RV Adventures said...

There are only 2 phones I really like. The Instinct and the Iphone. I really don't like Windows mobile based phones.

I chose the Instinct because I already have an Ipod Touch and I didn't see the point of owning two almost identical devices.

Now, I have to say, I regret that decision. When I look at all the apps coming out for the Iphone, and when I use the iPods browser - and then go to trying to use the instinct for anything other than making calls...? I just feel like I've been lied to by sprint twice. Firstly to get me to buy the phone in the first place, and secondly, to get me to keep it after the 30 day period.

I'm sounding like a stuck record these days, but that's how angry and upset with sprint I am. I'm calling them today to try to get them to return the phone and let my out of my contract. If they say no, which they probably will, then I don't know what I'll do... Anyone want to buy a used Instinct?

Roadtrekkin RV Adventures said...

And I couldn't download this app if I wanted too - the browser crashes on this site too

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