Google recently announced the beta release of Android SDK (software development kit). This will allow application developers to build apps for mobile phones based on Google Android software.
Don't forget to check out this demo video of a phone based on Google's mobile platform. With in next 12 months, phones based on this platform will kick iPhone's butt! By the way, Android uses the same Webkit browser engine used by iPhone.
Make sure to watch the last 30 seconds of the video
Also check out this video:
Im so Jealouse. The compass is AWESOME. But I guess I'll just have to be patient. And just keep hoping that the java apps being developed for instinct will make the phone more versatile. But have been let down over and over about this phone. ... so we'll see.
I wouldn't get my hopes up Mr. Charming. The Android is a truly "next-gen" phone. The good side of that is that it's just in it's early years. It's going to take years to get better. By that time (2 years hopefully) they'll come out with a very attractive over the top Android phone that will truly compete with the iPhone.
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