Saturday, August 2, 2008

Google's response regarding Google maps on Samsung Instinct

Here is the response from Google Maps Guide Ravi regarding Instinct:

"Samsung has been promising some updates for the Instinct and hopefully this should alleviate the issue and you'll all be able to use a touch enabled version.


If you want Google maps to fully work on your Instinct (with GPS), please post your request stating:

"Hi Google, please integrate the Google maps for mobile application with Sprint Instinct's GPS. Thanks!"

in this google groups forum:

The more, the merrier!


Anonymous said...

COME ON PEOPLE TELL EVERYONE AND THEIR MOMS TO SUPPORT THIS AND POST A REQUEST! I like the built in Nav system but Google's will be a good addition too. I'm gonna tell as much people as I can.

Me said...

Thanks. Built in navigation is great but google maps satellite view would be real nice to have with GPS!

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