Thursday, August 7, 2008

Does Apple iPhone have a remote app kill switch?


"Apple yields ultimate control over applications running on your iPhone. If it doesn't like an app it flips a "kill switch" that zaps an unpalatable iTunes App off your iPhone in a heart beat. At least that's the buzz today in the blogosphere about a line of code found inside Apple's iPhone 2.0 software by independent iPhone developer Jonathan Zdziarski. "

While this may or may not be true, most of us don't like any company to have so much control on the device. Once it is sold, I should be able to do whatever I want with it unless the company is leasing it to me (like a cable box for about $5 per month!). Mobile phones are not leased (you don't return them back when you cancel your service). But I think that all phones should have this option of remote wipe with an owner password. So when I buy the phone, I can set up a password through the company's website and if my phone is stolen, I can key in that password on the company's website and remotely wipe all my personal information from the phone. That would be nice but something like that only exists on blackberrys and maybe a very few other devices..

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