I know as much as you do about the release date for the Java Keyboard issue. I do know it is not scheduled for 'the end of the year', but later. I don't know what later means - I've always guessed September sometime, but I could be wrong. (not speaking for Sprint - personal opinion there).
If the phone does not do what you require it to do, then you are free to cancel your contract. Can you get out of ETF fees? No idea. That's up to retentions.
If you are a Java developer who has a killer million dollar app waiting on the keyboard, I can certainly understand your frustration. However, as a Java developer, you'll surely understand that it's more than tweaking a batch file to enable the keyboard and have it work reliably in all situations with all applications in all conditions. I'm sure you'd rather have a fully functional working keyboard than a half-baked slap-dash patch that crashes half the time.
If more information is made available, I or another of the Sprint team will be posting it here.
And I can promise you that this concern has been made visible to all levels of the development and marketing team for the Instinct.
Will England
Buzz About Wireless Admin
Sprint Nextel "
Please note that this is just the personal opinion of Will and not Sprint's official response or policy.
"Can you get out of ETF fees? No idea. That's up to retentions."
"Yep, it's messed up and we'll fix it eventually. You can cancel your contract if you want, but it's gonna cost you a bunch of money. Heck, it's not our problem."
Thanks Sprint. You can at least offer us a discount on another phone. It's the least you can do.
These are the kind of updates that i like to see. We always get a sprint-given ambiguous message and then Will England comes along and translates for us. I sincerely thank this duder.
"I'm sure you'd rather have a fully functional working keyboard than a half-baked slap-dash patch that crashes half the time."
Well I want a fully functional browser too, but they were OK with releasing one that crashes half the time.
Buggy is better then nothing.
I just got off the phone with sprint. They (a supervisor) said there's nothing they can do about my phone not working properly as I didn't take out a protection plan. I don't know if I should be laughing or crying...
I went to my local Sprint cor store yesterday here in Manhattan Beach, CA and asked about my available options due to, you know, the Instinct SUCKING. What they offered me was the One Year discount of $75 plus mail in rebate and waived upgrade fee. I got my Instinct the day before it 'launched' and I to was promised "upgrades" that have NEVER materialized. Whats worse, in my case, the phone is impacted, not just the fun stuff. I am a little pissed about all of this.
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