Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Instinct app updates - SprintTV and Email

There were two recent application updates:

Updated on next use. Updated from version 3.0.44 to 3.0.47

Optional update. When you go to email application and check for update, it shows a screen that says:

Optional Upgrade
An optional upgrade is available. Would you like to upgrade to the new version?

New Version:



(previous version was

I haven't seen any information on what was fixed in these updates.


Anonymous said...

awesome news....i really think the tv is better after this update...much less choppy. didnt really notice much about the email being different. great site and a must read for instinct owners. keep up the good work!

Roadtrekkin RV Adventures said...

Yeah, I didn't notice any change with the email, but the TV is working a lot better. It still has some minor blocking issues, but at least it doesnt move like a powerpoint presentation anymore! I just wish they'd hurry with the java kayboard patch!

Anonymous said...

OTA (over the air) updates work a whole lot better and faster than the 32GIG updates for my iPod Touch.

GO SPRINT! You ROCK. I can only imagine how STELLAR the iPhone would be on a Great network like Sprints CDMA. 3G (GSM) is a horrible network...

Anonymous said...

There was a voicemail update also

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the TV isn't as choppy anymore, but then again I was watching cartoons so it may have something to do with it. I'll check again later, but that's how it seems so far. Anybody know what was updated in the email section? Weird. I just hope this wasn't the update we were waiting for. Probably not, but I just hope Sprint tells us when it's coming. And isn't the 3rd party APP contest coming to a close? That means we're getting 3rd party apps soon right?

Anonymous said...

My email has been unable to establish a data connection since updating. My web works just fine. Very odd.

Andrew Z said...

I'm updating the firmware on my instinct right now. It's taking a while. I did it by going to Setting > General > Update software

I'd like to know what its actually updating.

Anonymous said...

I wander when the Nokia 5800 code named 'Tube' is going to kill the Samsung Instinct?

Possibly before the end of 2008 which will be before the Samsung Instinct java keyboard fix is due to come out, maybe???

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