Friday, August 1, 2008

Third-party calendar syncing coming to Sprint Instinct?

According to the user bdroad on baw forums (my guess is that he/she is an employee of Seven - see here and here) :

"I have seen a lot of threads asking about calendar syncing with exchange and/or domino with the Instinct.

Being that I work for the company that created the email application on the Instinct I can tell you that it is under development. Engineers are working on a completely separate calendar from the local calendar located on the Instinct. This is to avoid all of the limitations with the local calendar. This is to insure that you get full access to editing Notes, to do list, appointments, etc. Basically the same calendar that would be found on a full blown PDA device.

While I do not have an exact ETA, I can tell you that we are looking to get it released before the end of the year.

If you have any questions about this, post here and I can answer them.


and this:

"Sorry to confuse you guys. I do not work for sprint. Unfortunately there is no place that would tell you what developers are currently working on, well... except in this thread. =)

I can tell you a few features that are in development for the Instinct:

- Full calendar support for Exchange and domino
- The option to edit your account settings on the fly (incoming and outgoing servers)
- HTML email support

If you guys have any other questions, feel free to ask."


Anonymous said...

Okay since I'm not that familiar with syncing talk, did that dev just say that we're getting a new, fully functional calendar app? Or was she referring to something else?

Me said...

Sounds like full calendar support for Microsoft Exchange and domino servers.

Anonymous said...

So it's a pc calendar that will sync with the phone or a new calendar app for the phone?

Me said...

I think it is a new calendar app on the phone that will sync with the outlook calendar (or maybe the exchange calendar via outlook on the PC).

Roadtrekkin RV Adventures said...

HTML email is a feature I'd really like to see. Anyone know how reliable this source is?

MrLeatherTop said...

Do you think we will see 2D Support for the Instinct Camera with the next update?
Thank you
I enjoy your blog! You do a Great job with instinct News.

Myko's World said...

iCal support or possibly at least an iSync plugin for contact sync?

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