Ars Technica has listed a number of problems with iPhone 3G since the launch a month ago. Many of them are not expected of a company the reputation of Apple. While Sprint Instinct was rushed and has minor (mostly) issues, Apple's device is the second revision and had plenty of time to mature. Maybe part of the problem is due to sleeping with AT&T (very expensive phone plans and poor 3G network).
Some of these problems originated with the activation nightmare and others are about the poor quality of iPhone shell (already showing real cracks on many phones). Many others are probably from the spotty 3G coverage on AT&T's network.
People are experiencing a number of iPhone GPS issues even in the open areas along with slow response times. The keyboard is not always great and phone presents very slow response times leaving you confused if you tapped an icon or not. iPhone 3G sometimes switches from 3G to slooow EDGE network even at short distances apart and sometimes right at the same location.
So iPhone 3G problems can't be ignored but it still has a beautiful browser which is mostly reliable.
I own an Ipod Touch, which is part of the reason that I went with the Instinct and not an Iphone (no point in having two almost identical devices, right?).
I have to say that Sprint/Samsung totally dropped the ball witht the browser on the Instinct. It's the feature that I (would like to) use the most on the phone, but it's the feature that is causing me the most problems.
It almost seems like the Instinct is getting more and more buggy as each day goes by. More and more web sites crash the phone, and now even Google Maps crashes (it used to work fine, apart from not being able to enter text).
I don't think I'm alone in being very frustraited, but I refuse to lose faith! Sprint will deliver the phone that was promised! Don't let me down Sprint!
Sorry for the (slightly off topic)ramble, but I had to vent!
btw, excellent work with the blog - I check it several times a day!
Knowing that even iPhone users are frustrated, I think I can manage with my Instinct. The browser rendering speed and bugs are the issue with Instinct. I have somewhat managed with Opera Mini 3.1 though.
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