Monday, July 7, 2008

Latest update from Sprint related to Keyboard (text entry) issue

Here is the latest update from Sprint related to non-standard keyboard (text entry) issue and the lack of standard UI class implementation.
(If this post makes no sense to you, don't fret. Basically, it is related to an issue with phone software whereby a lot of currently existing free Java mobile phone software would need to be customized for Sprint Instinct phone. As a result. we can't just download apps from the web and start using them.)

I am glad that we are getting feedback from Sprint developers so we know their limitations and where things stand. I am not sure if they can update the MIDP JVM using over the air (OTA) updates. Hopefully they will be able to come up with something.

Subject:re: Onscreen Keyboard in Java apps
Date:2008-07-07 at 05:27 PM CDT

Thanks for everybody sharing their feedback. The Instinct supports a new UI model built by Samsung utilizing their widget set. We have definintely taken your feedback about the lack of LCDUI support being frustrating and hampering your development/porting efforts - however with the current software java environment, there isn't a solution to address this right now.
We are going to have a webcast this wed at 12:00 CST noon, where we would love to hear all feedback.
We are also going to have some of our partners who ported their apps from the existing MIDP 2.0 UI framework share some of their learnings/best practices of porting to the Samsung UI Widget library. This might provide some guidance with your development.

Sprint ADP team "

Subject:re: MIDP UI support on Instinct
Date:2008-07-07 at 10:41 AM CDT
Touch enablement was not added to the device for high level LCDUI. Though technically compliant as the classes are supported, the touch is not. The JVM vendor Qualcomm did not have this ability and with tight development timelines on this device, this was not added. This is being investigated for OTA updates.


And here is a post related to the developer toolkit update (so that the toolkit has more Instinct specific widgets; it is somewhat generic in the current version):

Subject:re: Word on Updated Sprint WTK ?
Date:2008-07-07 at 05:30 PM CDT
Our goal is to have a WTK posted by COB central time Tue, July 8. We will also spend time in our webcast, this wed July 9 covering features supported in the WTK (and also items not supported in the WTK). Would love to hear any feedback on the WTK, so please feel free to download the Sprint WTK 3.3.1 when made available and join our webcast on wed. thanks Sprint ADP "


How to use camera button to pop-up the keyboard (text-entry) in your custom Java MIDP application:

"Assuming that your MIDlet is running and wants to invoke the keyboard when the user presses the camera hardkey.

In your Canvas extended class, the keyPressed(int keycode) would return a value at which time you can invoke the com.sprintpcs.lcdui.widget.EditableText class (see Javadocs for configuration data) "

Here are the discussion forum links:

LCDUI is a feature of phone software (mobile Java compliant phones) that provides developers the ability to program the user interface (such as List, Alert, TextBox, Form and Canvas). Here are list of classes and interfaces provided by LCDUI:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Want to update a posting we made yesterday - there ARE plans to provide a JVM that will support LCDUI so most of the MIDP 2.0 apps (opera mini, google maps, etc) will port to run on the instinct. The plans are to make this an OTA upgrade (so users don't have to go to the store for a software reflash) - Timelines are TBD based on when we can get this implemented, certified and ready to deploy (our hope is within a month - but trust us, we understand the urgency and appreciate all the feedback/posts) Please join us for our webcast tomorrow at 12:00 AM noon on wednesday.

Sprint ADP

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