Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sprint is listening to its customers!

I had called Sprint Tech support a few days ago (see my earlier post) and I had great experience with the support lady. After 2 days, I even got a call from Sprint to do a quick customer satisfaction survey on the phone. At the end of survey, they even gave me the option to record a message for the Sprint management! So I have no complains with their customer service. I think they are working very hard to change the perception that some disgruntled people have tried to create.


Anonymous said...

you have given me a new found hope for this handset, Thanks for keeping us all up to date with all this great info you have offered.


Anonymous said...

Ill b honest..this is nothing new..i hate when ppl take the smallest things that reps say (90% of the time they r wrong) and blow it up...keep hopes up but just bc a rep tells u something doesnt mean u got an inside scoop to something amazing..

thanks for the site tho

Anonymous said...

who pee'd in that guys breakfast?

I agree with post 1
This blog is quite Current.
I Like it :)

Anonymous said...

INSTINCT BOOKMARKS, since you're one of the more informative Instinct blogs out there, has there been any word on FIXING the fact that you miss calls or you don't hear incoming calls when you're streaming and/or are online?

This is a major bug. Can you please make a post about it or something so that the developers can take notice? How can you enjoy it's features when you're basically getting rid of what it is first and foremost, which is a phone.

Is there at least any recognition in Sprint's part?

Me said...

I will at least try to make Sprint developers aware of the missed call issue during streaming...

Anonymous said...

Exactly.. I'm not sure how to do that though. I tried e-mailing customer service but I guess non-customers are low in their priorities list. Well see later or tomorrow. But we need an actual response from a Sprint dev.

Someone should post this on the Sprint forums.

Anonymous said...

The issue with the calls not coming through while you are streaming can be explained with more understanding of how the cellular networks function on an RF level. The phone and data functions are not working on the same RF channel. Traditional cellular(Voice) functions can not be sent the same way data is sent. Phones/PDAs can not operate on 2 RF channels at one time.

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