Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Apple's Steve Jobs says MobileMe Launch not their finest hour!

According to the an email from Steve Jobs to Apple employees:

"The launch of MobileMe was not our finest hour"

"MobileMe was simply not up to Apple's standards – it clearly needed more time and testing."

"It was a mistake to launch MobileMe at the same time as iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0 software and the App Store. We all had more than enough to do, and MobileMe could have been delayed without consequence."

"We are taking many steps to learn from this experience so that we can grow MobileMe into a service that our customers will love. "

"The MobileMe launch clearly demonstrates that we have more to learn about Internet services."

This shows that software applications when rushed (due to unrealistic deadlines set by marketing and management) don't always work as planned!


Anonymous said...

Wow, how gracious of apple to admit that. Now if only sprint could take the same stance regarding the instinct. I'd love an apology from them for how frustrating it has been using the instinct with all it's quirks, bugs and what have you. SPRINT, PLEASE FIX THE KEYBOARD SO 3RD PARTY APPS CAN CALL IT UP.

repoman said...

HOw in hell can i download ADOBE reader to the instict? and why does it keep freezing on me?

Me said...

Instinct uses Java software platform. To date, Adobe has not released a version of Adobe reader for Java platform. I was concerned about it too but just decided to live without it for now. I am not sure about freezing. Mine doesn't freeze but on some sites, the browser crashes and takes me to the speed dial screen. I guess they are working on fixing that.

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