Wednesday, August 6, 2008

HTC Touch Diamond (HTC Victor) on Sprint

According to various sites, Sprint is rumored to start selling the best Windows Mobile touch phone (HTC Touch Diamond or HTC Victor) in early September. This phone might give iPhone a run for its money (not sure why they chose 2.8" screen though even though it is much higher resolution than iPhone's 3.5" screen)

A version of the same phone will go on sale in Canada very soon. Check this out:

(some software will differ on Sprint's version)

I expect a physical keyboard version of the same phone to follow.

It is likely that Verizon will sell a slightly different version of this phone too.


Anonymous said...

The TouchPro aka Raphael is coming out too. It's the Touch with a slide out keyboard. That's the only phone I'd replace my Instinct with, too bad my 30 days will be over by then.. oh well.

Unknown said...

3 year contract, sheesh!

Roadtrekkin RV Adventures said...

physical keyboard version might be ok, but the Windows Mobile phones I've seen so far have terrible on screen keyboards. I'm over my 30 day period, so I pretty much have to stick with my Instinct. I live in hope that one day they will iron out all the bugs!

Anonymous said...

Awhile ago Engadget got ahold of an HTC Touch and apparently it was horribly slow. It's also going to be extremely expensive.

This isn't surprising since it's WM6 with a custom UI on top of it (which is a terrible idea IMO), plus HTC has a habit of underpowering its phones (just look at the Mogul).

I gave HTC a chance with the Mogul, and I was very happy to switch to the Instinct. Pass.

Anonymous said...

Well the Touch won't give the iPhone a run for it's money but I think the TouchPro might. But it's actually not quite fair because they're actual smartphones. And for the person who commented on the slowness of the touch, they actually updated the blog and said that after they updated the phone, the slowness disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Well, okay, I'm not as heartbroken, though I'd rather have the HTC TouchPro than the Instinct, but I think these two (Touch & TouchPRO) are in their early stages. In 2 years when my contract is over, I think phones will be far more advanced with Symbian and Android it wouldn't even matter. The Instinct should prove satisfactory for the next two years I think.

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