Wednesday, August 13, 2008

CNet covers iPhone 3G problems

CNet is another leading technology site covering the iPhone 3G issues. The article starts with the story of a fellow who switched from iPhone 3G to Verizon blackberry due to connection problems with AT&T's 3G network. According to the article:

"Users say the iPhone 3G will switch between 3G networks and EDGE networks even when the device is sitting still. They'll lose reception in the middle of a call while traveling through a 3G-rich environment. Friends with other 3G phones on AT&T's network are not reporting similar problems. And the issues don't appear to be confined to AT&T's network: iPhone 3G users in other countries report similar problems with their new phones."

So while AT&T is charging $10 per month extra over the iPhone 2G data plan, the users are having problems utilizing the faster speeds of 3G. Check this out:

"The hand-off between the two networks is supposed to be seamless: 3G calls should automatically switch to EDGE when the 3G signal gets too weak. But the iPhone 3G seems to be hanging when it switches from the 3G network to the EDGE network, dropping service altogether in some cases. Apple technicians who examined Shaw's phone found that 36 percent of his calls had been dropped."

Now this is not expected of a device from Apple which is known for great user experience and thus able to command huge markup on its products!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is EXACTLY why i dumped AT&T i upgraded to a black jack just to get on the 3g network when it came sucked it would constantly go from 3g to was 80 percent edge...this is in DALLAS TX...we are saturated with towers and 3g. Sprint does not do this...they just need to get off their buts and get another web browser. the people that made the browser operate right by where I used to work in Plano TX...I am about to go in there and ask them if they were all smoking crack when they made this browser and if they heard the customer crys of how bad it freaking sucks. god only knows how they scored this contract to offer this lame duck browser on this great phone.

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