Monday, September 22, 2008

CNET Asia - HTC Touch HD browser pictures

( Image Source: CNET Asia)

CNET Asia has more pictures of HTC Touch HD here. The HTC Touch HD phone looks similar to HTC Touch Diamond but with a bigger and higher resolution screen, better camera and probably more advanced hardware. The browser looks very nice and this phone is about the size of an iPhone (maybe a little thicker).
This phone would be excellent for reading eBooks and PDF files!


Dennis said...

Too bad I heard this won't come to the US until early 2009 otherwise I'd get Sprint to let me swap my Instinct and the difference for it without a penalty. This of course assuming the Instinct is actually updated with LCDUI by then.

Anonymous said...

The i phone is fast, but typing on glass w/ no buttons is a re-learn. The speed is nice. There is no video camera, there is no video mail. There is no way to Hold it on its side to watch video or scroll emails. (the edges are rounded). Screen quality Is important. the sound must be solid, not scratchy, tinny. A good and smooth volume control and fast browser. java game playable (.jad downloads) That's not asking to much. From a phone. .mca5516

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